Zimbabwean films 'Ngoda' and 'See Me' selected for the Bantu Film Festival

Zimbabwean films 'Ngoda' and 'See Me' have officially been selected for Botswana's Bantu Film Festival. 

Set to run from the 8th to the 12th of October, the Bantu Film Festival is a pan-African Film festival that is aimed at changing the climate of the film industry in Botswana and the region by providing platforms that nurture growth, collaborations, innovation and creativity amongst locals and the corporate entities through knowledge sharing, film screenings and networking means.

The selection continues a stellar festival run for both films, which has seen them shine on the festival circuit with screenings across Europe, the southern African region and the US.

About Ngoda film (Zimbabwe)

Zimbabwean films 'Ngoda' and 'See Me' selected for the Bantu Film Festival

Set in 2006 amidst the diamond mining rush that started in Zimbabwe. To claim back their land, the Toropito brothers have to raise enough money to buy it back, forcing them to join the illegal diamond mining world. The film was directed by Joe Njagu and Eddie Sandifolo. It received the Outstanding Screen Production (for a full-length) film) Award at the 2024 NAMA Awards.

'Ngoda' encapsulates a unique Zimbabwean narrative, poised to ignite introspection and dialogue. We aspire to provoke thought and stir emotions, fostering a deeper understanding of universal themes such as family, betrayal, and cultural identity. - Joe Njagu in an interview with The Herald

About See Me Film (Zimbabwe)

'See Me' is a film honouring real-life stories. It’s a heartfelt deep dive into the experiences of young people living with HIV/AIDS and how they were affected by COVID-19 lockdown restrictions using the 6 pillars of creativity: Film, Poetry, Music, Photography, Visuals and Dance.

Though long forgotten now and the scars still remain, the film takes us through some of the struggles encountered by young people living with HIV and AIDS during COVID-19 lockdowns, including stigma discrimination, mental health, gender-based violence and a plethora of themes encountered in gathering these stories. 

You can watch the film here.

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