Album in Focus: From Boys To Men by Ti Gonzi

When it comes to Zimbabwean hip hop, they're few artists who divide opinion quite like Ti Gonzi. Yet while his craft may be up for debate, his impact often isn't. Zimhiphop's most recent era, has often been traced back to the release of Holy Ten's "Ndaremerwa" during the Covid lockdown. 

However the genre's reemergence wouldn't have been what it was without the 2019 Ti Gonzi had, which saw him win the Outstanding Male Artist Award at the 2020 NAMA Awards. So while he may have his believers and his doubters, the fact that Ti Gonzi may be bowing out from music with From Boys To Men, makes it feel rather poignant.

All through his career Ti Gonzi has delivered music dominated by puns and punchlines, sometimes to a fault. In style and delivery, he's clearly a disciple of Lil Wayne. However on his most recent album he attempts to take a step back from this. From Boys To Men sees him embrace melodies more, yet Ti Gonzi being Ti Gonzi he can't himself but infuse the storytelling with regular pun laden bars.

What comes his rescue however, are his chosen collaborators. So a style that is sometimes anathema to melody, becomes a somewhat necessary offset that provides balance. From Boys To Men is a coming of age story, a story of Ti Gonzi's lived experience. It is introspective and reflective, with a dive into the past to talk about various critical moments in Ti Gonzi's life. 

Zilluminati, the opening track, kicks off with "Kumhunga takabva neko..." a reference to a Shona proverb that means we've been there, done that. Over a twinkling trap beat Ti Gonzi tells the story of struggles and successes. This perfectly cascades into Mwari Pindirai, which although not as striking in it's verses, has a heartfelt message and a brilliantly sung hook by Ti Gonzi himself.

All through From Boys To Men there's a certain push and pull. Just when you think he's losing you, he brings you back. Patakasangana has a melancholic tone and it sees Ti Gonzi relive a life changing trip to Senegal, afforded to him by Shoko Festival. Despite it's faults, it draws you to it by it's detail. Chauchadyara had my heart from the first listen, and in my book it is head and shoulders above everything else on this project. It has a message of investing in yourself with the work that you do, which resonates with many Zimbabweans, and besides that it just sounds good.

The collaborations Saka Ndichaita Seiko (feat Michael Magz), One More Night (feat Ishan), and Jarachara (feat Bagga) also standout to me. They afford Ti Gonzi the freedom to be himself while carrying enough melody to be easy on the ear. Something that is often a constant throughout this project.

If this is to be Ti Gonzi's last chapter making music then Taipururudza feels like the perfect. With a lending hand from Hwinza, the song has a celebratory tone, that says despite all the challenges we still made it. 

Led by Ghost Magician, the project has an eclectic selection of producers that include Oskid, Craigbone, Eliq Beats, Nagbeatz, and Manuchie. While markedly different in their talents, somehow the pieces come together well, a signifier of good beat selection or overall curation of sound.

From Boys To Men doesn't have a bloated tracklist or over experimentation weighing down. This is something that makes it's good parts easy to see. However Ti Gonzi's innate nature to fit in a pun, no matter the story he's telling, takes away from it's potential brilliance. It still a decent album, but within it is potential to be so much more.

Greedysouth rating: 6.4/10

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