Tendai Nyeke's film 'Burns and Song' selected for the Dances With Films Festival

The Tendai Nyeke written and directed film "Burns and Song" has made the official selection in the pilot category at the Dances With Films Festival. 

A Ndiani Studios production, the film follows the story of Risimu, the perfect seeming housewife who however hides a dark past. One chaotic morning ignites a vengeful spirit, Ngozi, and it threatens to crumble her life.

Tendayi Nyeke took on the roles of Writer, Director, and Producer, with Dikelo Mamiala as Associate Producer. The film stars Fulu Mugovhani, Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Baxo Mfidi, Chi Mhende, Mongi Majola, Daisy Maphathe, Sandile Makhoba, Bantu, and Dikelo Mamiala.

Now in its 26th year, Dances With Films champions the unflinching spirit at the very core of the independent film scene. Rated by USA Today as one of the top ten North American film festival, Dances With Films banks on innovation, talent, and creativity as it's core driving force. The reliance has proven to be successful, with alumni moving on to write, direct, produce and star in blockbuster movies and television series. Several have go on to become Oscar nominees.

Tendai Nyeke

Tendayi Nyeke's creative leadership work has been nominated for the South African Film and Television Awards (SAFTA) across multiple genres. The filmmaker has worked as a development executive on several SAFTA-nominated shows and has written, produced, and directed television programs across global platforms. She co-developed the hit reality series Our Perfect Wedding which has been adapted across Africa. 

Notable among her recent credits is her role as Executive Producer for the 2023 Disney Sci-Fi African animation Anthology Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire. Tendayi creative led pan-African talent in the production of 10 short films across 6 countries. 

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