The Kwanthuthu Comedy Festival kicks off 4 Days of Stand-Up, Theatre, Film and Roasts at Bulawayo Theatre

The Kwanthuthu Comedy Festival - an annual festival that advocates for an engaging, informative, and entertaining comedy industry in Zimbabwe - is back for its second edition this week. Set to be hosted at the Bulawayo Theatre the festival is running from 25 October to 28 October under the theme "It’s On".

One of the objectives of the festival is to provide a platform for upcoming and seasoned performers to highlight their talent and, as such, the opening acts serve to introduce and premiere emerging talent in preparation for a future in the arts industry.

The youngest performer at the festival this year will be a Grade Seven student from Charleston Trust Primary School. 

Kwanthuthu Comedy Festival

Arthur will be the Theatre Night curtain-raiser with a piece titled “The Bond Child”. Theatre Night will also showcase productions from Dominican Convent and Christian Brothers Colleges. The festival will also premiere short films by Dominican Convent High School, Drama and Media Club Students.

Each day of the festival has a unique theme and line-up celebrating the different aspects of comedy. The event kicks off with a Theatre Night and culminates in a Roast featuring international comics. 

Day 1 - Theatre Night

Arthur Chikanga – Grade seven pupil from Charleston Trust Primary School

Dominican Convent High School Drama Club – The Translator coached by Zenzo Nyathi and Matesu Dube

Christian Brothers College

Host: Tapiwa Harinangoni

Day 2 - Bulawayo vs Harare, Stand-Up Comedy Show 

Bulawayo Representatives

  • Mbongeni Ignatius Ndlovu
  • Mbongeni Brandon Masuku
  • Denford D’Juni Musvosvi aka D’Juni

Harare Representatives

  • Nyasha Alois Mupariwa aka ACE
  • Fortune Tinashe Manyowa aka Tinashe ThisIsIt
  • Tinotenda Lebohang Kurwaisimba aka Tinoe
  • Host: Maforty

Day 3 - Short Films Screening 

  • Short films written, directed and produced by Dominican Convent High School, Drama and Media Club Students. They were trained by Raisedon Baya, Charmaine Mudau and Dumisani Manyathela.

  • Host: Shantel Gudo

Day 4 - Roast Of Zimbabwe 

  • Babongile Sikhonjwa – Roast Master
  • Thapelo Malani – Botswana 
  • Joseph Sebeho aka Kagisure – South Africa
  • Ndiye Tampa aka Triccs – Botswana 
  • Kayumba Nathan Simunhweze aka Smoke – Zambia 
  • Tshepo Mpiti aka Masapo – Lesotho

Advance tickets are going for $5 each, while at the door the charge will be $10 a ticket. All shows kick off at 6 pm, with a special red carpet being hosted at 5:30 pm on the night for Short Film Screenings.

This year’s festival is supported by Culture Fund Zimbabwe and the European Union through CreativeACTIONs2.

Tafadzwa Madzika

"If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn’t brood. I’d type a little faster.” - Isaac Asimov

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