Qounfuzed Details The Zimbabwean Youth Story In Ngwavha Ngwavha

Dancehall chanter Qounfuzed back with Ngwavha Ngwavha. 


Ngwavha is a Shona slang term that combines two words Kungwara and Humbavha which can be loosely translated to “Hustle”. Qounfuzed partnered with KSG Di Don and Cashlibs on the production of this social charged composition.

Song Cover 

The song speaks to and of the unemployed youth in Zimbabwe who are trying to make ends meet but structures of means have been destroyed due to Government corruption. Qounfuzed does not shy away from exposing the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Zimbabwean landscape. He hammers on the threatened employment opportunities and livelihoods. What makes Qounfuzed a master in his genre is the fact that he always manages to address fundamental issues entertainingly. 

Check out Ngwavha Ngwavha below:

Ghetto youth riri pama1, dai mariitirawo plan, tikudawo life irinane 

Gerald Muchandiona

How satisfying it is to leave a mark on a blank surface. To make a map of my movement - no matter how temporary - Craig Thompson

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