A few days ago, 2/3rds of the Hip Hop group
Few Kings announced to be taking over Blake Hall Sports Club in London with
Stunner. The Trio embarked on a transcontinental journey from Africa to Europe via Asia. The first two days have been presented in pictures including some of
Tehn Diamond's own words regarding their experience which saw a stop in Dubai before ultimately touching down London Town.
"First stop Dubai. Then after that ? UK for #ZSJ13 !!!" - Tehn |
"Dubai Airport Selfie. That's Stunner in the reflection pon left & Jnr Brown in the reflection pon right. #zsj13" - Tehn |
"Killing transfer time at Dubai Intl. First thing I said was "Sha Breezy, this place is bigger than Westgate." *sigh*" - Tehn Diamond |
"Naturally I step into the place and immediately cop a fresh new book. Feed the mine daily, at any cost. #Dubai" - Tehn |