Akon touched down the +263 this afternoon for the Real Deal concert were he is sharing the stage with Sean Paul who will also be in the country tomorrow Friday Sept 3rd. Promoters and fans are not the only ones looking forward to the success of the event as evidenced by the Senegal born, American raised artist's twitter update last night
"I am headed to Harare Zimbabwe today..Show on Sat the 4th in the soccer stadium #akonconcert" - Akon's Twitter PageThe show will also feature Winky D, Stunner, Roki, Soul Bone and Cynthia Mare. A Museve segment titled Sungura Revenge starring Kapfupi who recently released an album called Juice Card, Alick Macheso and Sulumani Chimbetu will close the gala oops I meant concert.
Urban grooves musicians will open the show in the afternoon while Sean Paul is expected on stage by 6pm.